Fairy Festa- The Fae Realms

🧚🏻‍♀️Hello Fellow Magical Being!
If you are attending a Fairy Festa Production and would like to dress from one of the Realms in our world —-please read the descriptions of the Realms at the bottom of this page. You do not need to create a character to enjoy a magical event. 

💥If you are into LARP (live action role play) a character actor or you want to be! You can become a part of our world.


Welcome to the Tribe

⭐️⭐️⭐️These are the Courts of the Realms of Fairy Festa 

⭐️The Court of the Golden Sun 

This court sees themselves as the Ultimate High Fae. Their standards often seem to rule the Fae realms. When you think of mischievous, powerful beings who throw extravagant parties and who love to trap or trick mortals~this is the Sun Court.

These Fae cannot lie. Much of their magic is showy and beautiful, often bringing forth Light and Life. Among mortals who have stumbled into this Fae Realm, they have misunderstood this court as “Good Fae”~ until it is too late for them to leave. This court hides major greed and a superiority complex. They Believe that mortals are inferior and that magic should be reserved strictly for those who can be trained to wield it. They truly believe they are above all of the courts and even shun the Creature, Goblin and Ruin courts.

The Fae of this court are showy, like to be the center of attention, have a great sense of style and love to dress up. These Fae take the idea of “High Fae” to new heights, believing they are better and above other Fae. Of all the courts, this court is actually 1000’s of years old but is the newest court. This court is ruled by a family Monarchy but family can be tricky.

This realm is located at what they call the center of the realms because the largest and brights of all suns is in this realm. The magic in this realm is strong.  

💫✨Court of Sky and Stars 

The Fae of this court are sparkling and ethereal. They are High Fae and seem to glow from within with starlight. This court sees much of what is going on in the Fae Realms and remains at a distance most of the time. This court does not find itself in the proximity to the other courts or the mortal realm and are not aware of many modern Fae court or human customs.

These Fae are where the human world gets the stories that fairies are ethereal and magical spirits. They have visited human realms for a millennia and do not dislike any fae or humans however they are not always kind in their goal to entertain. Many of this realm are as sweet as they seem, you just might not know which are tricky and which are not. Basically,  they have a playful trickster side, love all Fae, and find fulfillment in creating joy and enjoyment, are full of magic, like to sparkle. The realm is in the stars, many stars with unlimited magic, this is the biggest realm with the most inhabited planets.    

This court does not follow strict hierarchy but govern themselves easily with communication.

🥀🥀The Court of the Twilight Blossom 

This court lives in perpetual Twilight with no bright Sun with in their realm. The High Fae of this realm do not have sun kissed complexions and tend to favor darker or gothic attire. Twilight is full of misinterpretation , and things hidden from sight in the faded light. There is not much known about this court, they are secretive and a hard to reach court. While secrecy often begets an idea of exclusivity, it is primarily for protection. This court takes in the lost or misunderstood Fae, allowing sanctuary with in their realm. When the Sun court approached them, they act as allies. This court has been ruled for centuries by Queens and few male consorts have actually been seen outside of their borders. The realm is small but believed to have a rich source of magic. After the death of the heir to the throne, this realm is flux as the only heir apparent is a half Goblin male Fae. 

🦇🐦‍⬛The Court of Ruin

This beautiful court rules over everything dark and decaying.The Court of Ruin often makes the denizens of the High Fae realms uneasy. They are often avoided or looked down upon. Despite their gleaming immortality ~ all Fae experience the inevitability of destruction, decay and endings. Members of this court deal in magic related to death, dying, and decay of all kinds, ranging from small trouble makers to necromancers. This Fae has a special connection to the carnivores and scavengers, and are often the keepers of old places and old rituals. All dark is a balance of light. Often light does not mean good and dark bad. This realm is within a blackhole, with deep dark enchanting forests and places. Loving the beauty within the dark they absorb the light. They share a strong connection with the Creature Court, scholars of the ancient ways. The human stories of ancient witches and sorcerers come from dealings with this Fae. The hierarchy if this realm is not clear to one family but does run from a Monarchy, and a Murder of Clerics - a congress of sorts that provide the governing of the realm.   

⚜️⚜️The Court of Goblins

This court has long been excluded from formal events due to their penchant for mischief and unserious manner. The Goblins do not hold a formal Hierarchy or ruler, the largest and loudest goblin at any given moment often gets their way~ this leads to the political standing of this court being in shambles much of the time. This court has not felt the need to attend political functions until now. Recently a member of this court has provided important support to the Court of Sky and Stars.
The Goblin Court is always spreading chaos and mischief wherever they go, but they also understand that a potential alliance could help answer questions about the declining magic in their realm.
This court is an old court, with stories and lore going back a millennium or more. It is believed that the Goblin Court came from the Creature Court as the more sentient but yet chaotic Creatures wanted to stretch out on their own and create chaos as the chose.
🦄🪶The Court of Creatures 

This court is the court of all things Hoof, Claw, Horn and snout. They are the creatures of the Fae wilds, the origins of magical beings. This court is the oldest court and  wields the most ancient magic.

Denizens of this court often have more in common with the beasts of the mortal realm than the self proclaimed High Fae. Their magic and ancestral knowledge run deep, although their wild appearance and demeanor put them at odds with the Fae of many realms. Members of this court care for the land and creatures of all types. They value health and integrity and are not interested in the convoluted deals and social conventions of the other courts.

They are a highly intelligent, yet not humanoid in mannerisms. Many cannot speak but communicate through magical means. The unicorns are said to be telepathic and the red caps can speak and understand any language. The centaurs and fawns have spread through many realms including the human realm and have no problem sharing magic. 
Thus realm is full of beautiful magical forests and seas, 

🦋🐉The characters of Fairy Festa Annual Event are for Volunteers at this event 

Queens of Faelor  - by invitation 

Rainha- Queen of Queens 

Dragon Gaurdians- proof of valor and designation by a Dragon Master

Dragon Master - designated by the Rainha Queen  of  Queens 

Elves of Faelor- long ago a group of Elves on their way to the forgotten lands - found themselves in the Realm of Faelor and have created a peaceful community amongst the Fae and Dragons. 

All of these courts and stories from these worlds are the intellectual property of Holly E Swanson - Fairy Festa - Spokane Wa.  


The world of Fairy Festa is part of the Fae Realms as created by the Fairy Festa Productions Team and Holly Swanson.  The characters from our Fairy Festa production events, come from part of these realms and are created by Holly Swanson and the Fairy Festa Team.

To enjoy and be a part of the ongoing story line of these characters in our Fae Realms, you are welcome to create your own Fae character from one of these Realms described below. We ask that any new characters are not related to or royalty of any kind with out prior authorization from Holly Swanson. As in -no character may be called “Queen” in this fantasy world without permission. 

These worlds, realms, names characters and storyline are the intellectual property of Holly E. Swanson and may not be used/ copied or changed without permission.

By creating a character from these realms and interacting in this storyline, you give permission to Fairy Festa Productions, Spokane Gallery and Holly Swanson to use photos, videos and storyline interactions in future advertisements and or storyline official canon.

As part of an ongoing storyline, the integrity of our characters is important. 
🌞Most importantly is is imperative that all attendees act with civility, gratitude, kindness and honor. 
This fantasy world is born from a Free fantasy festival for families and kids of all ages. Although many of the FFP events throughout the year are adult only, it is understood that these characters can and will be characters within the Family atmosphere. The names and visual aspects of all characters must be all age appropriate. The mission of our events is to bring joy, kindness and gratitude- if this does not align with the basic theme of your character-please reconsider what character you would like to be for these events. There are always needs first antagonists in every story and a so called villain here and there can be great fun but even the Queen of the Court of Ruin has a warm heart. If you have any questions please reach out to the Fairy Festa Productions Team. 
We are all in this together have fun and express a magical side of ourselves in new and wonderful ways.